Public Relation

As already stated, we have vast and rich experience in public relation jobs as two of its stalwarts are into print journalism for more...

Public Relation

As already stated, we have vast and rich experience in public relation jobs as two of its stalwarts are into print journalism for more than two decade.


Advertising is the most important tool in the marketing of products and services.We ensure at providing maximum coverage and publicity...


Advertising is the most important tool in the marketing of products and services.We ensure at providing maximum coverage and publicity  to our...

Event Management

Our expert team have developed expertise in managing full range of corporate events such as organizing seminars , press conferences...

Event Management

Our expert team have developed expertise in managing full range of corporate events such as organizing seminars , press conferences and organizing launching events.

News Monitoring

Sambandh has a strong capability and manpower to keep track of every development in the concerned field and regularly updates itself...

News Monitoring

Sambandh has a strong capability and manpower to keep track of every development in the concerned field and regularly updates itself. As an advertising and PR agency.

Designing & Printing

Sambandh has an in house design capability to design  from newsletters to magazines and from brochures to corporate annual reports...

Designing & Printing

Sambandh has an in house design capability to design  from newsletters to magazines and from brochures to corporate annual reports. We also provide printing and production services


Public Relation

As already stated, we have vast and rich experience in public relation jobs as two of its stalwarts are into print journalism for more than two decade. Enjoying a natural advantage in PR, Sambandh promises and ensures its clients a smooth and cordial relation with media houses, thus ensuring wider publicity.


Advertising is the most important tool in the marketing of products and services.We ensure at providing maximum coverage and publicity  to our clients with planned expenditure both for print and electronic media.

Event Management 

Our expert team have developed expertise in managing full range of corporate events such as organizing seminars , press conferences and organizing launching events. In last 7 year, Sambandh has successfully organized various promotional related events for its clients and has analyzed the result thereof.

News Monitoring

Sambandh has a strong capability and manpower to keep track of every development in the concerned field and regularly updates itself. As an advertising and PR agency, Sambandh subscribes to the belief that information makes oneself wiser and competitive. We regularly keep track of the product launch, market condition, competition and industry related news and views. Accordingly we suggest our clients on various issues on their area of interest and guide them to adopt such an strategy which provides minimum expenditure with maximum benefits.

Designing & Printing

Sambandh has an in house design capability to design  from newsletters to magazines and from brochures to corporate annual reports. We also provide printing and production services.

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